I'm not an avid blogger or very experienced at making websites but I've wanted to do this blog for a long time now.
I'm new to the Proverbs 31 life. Although I've been a Christian since I was a child and I've been married almost 10 years, its only been within the last 3 that my husband and I felt led to a "different" way. We have decided to follow God's law for marriage. My husband being the head of our home, and me, as the wife submitting to his authority. I became a stay at home wife and now we're the parents to a precious 11 month old baby boy. (Story of our miracle to come later!). We've also started having me wear skirts and dresses, after I felt led to by the Lord.
I'm hopeful that maybe through this blog, I can touch another woman's life, who feels like things just aren't the way they should be in her marriage. I'm grateful to the Lord to have the time and a way to put my musings, concerns, tips etc. in word form.
I have had several websites and blogs that have expired me over the past few years. At first, I must admit, that I thought all of these women had flipped their lids! But after a while, God began to minister to me through them and it has changed my life. So here's a shout out to you all, with appreciation!
Anna, you have been a kindred spirit and I've loved learning more about Jewish life and Israel through your blogs. Thank you for wisdom beyond your years!
Jessica, you have been such a sweet friend and we've shared some of the hardest times of our lives with each other and now, some of the sweetest! Thank you for being an inspiration to me!
Candy, you've inspired me to turn my chaotic home into a smoothly running home that's inviting and comfortable. Your tips, advice and insight is invaluable to me.
Joy, though we've never actually talked, I still wanted to give you a shout out and thank you for showing me that the mission field starts in my home, with my son. God bless your message.
And last but certainly not least, the ladies at
LAF/Beautiful Womanhood, who have a beautiful new site now, by the way! I have found countless words of inspiration through your posts. Each of your writers is gifted by God and has blessed me in countless ways! Thank you!!
With that, I end the first (of many, I hope) post here on my new blog. God bless you all!